I am an entrepreneur
I wrote this back in 2013 when I was in the relatively early days of having created Firefly Leadership Ltd. Recently, I discovered that it had inspired others so I thought I would share it here. For more inspirational words, tools and resources, sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you my thoughts and insight every week or so.
I am an entrepreneur.
I started something - a thing with a purpose.
I’m building something - a thing for the future.
I will change the world by thinking and acting.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
I have a vision, but I don’t know how it will transpire.
I have a purpose, and I don’t know if it will emerge.
I have a plan, and it changes daily.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
I took a risk, a chance, a first step.
I spoke my dreams out loud, dared them to become true.
I saw what could be possible and tried to make it real.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
I know I want things to be different.
I step, I leap, I crawl, I weep.
I get scared, I keep going. I get tired, I keep going.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
I inspire some and terrify others.
I lead into new places and spaces. Will you come with me?
I know I can’t do this alone.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
One of many and one of the few.
We all have a dream or a mission, a thing that we have to make true.
We know we might fly, fall or tumble. And we know that we need to find out.
I am an entrepreneur.
I am an entrepreneur.
My time on this planet is finite.
I want to create a big impact, following the path of my choice.
I want to inspire you to dream and to live it.
I am an entrepreneur.
Kirsty Maynor, 2013