Media Enquiries

About Kirsty

Kirsty Star Maynor is an internationally sought-after change specialist who’s been through more of life’s challenges than most. From her own lived experience and over two decades of professional experience helping others, she really gets what it takes to live through change and has the battle scars to prove it.  

She’s been an accredited trainer for over 25 years, a certified coach for 15 years, coach supervisor for 5 years and learning geek forever.  As a result of Kirsty’s proven approach people facing change unlock their self-belief, ignite new possibilities and are equipped with the tools and skills to make their dreams a reality.  Woven throughout it all is a deep care and belief that its possible - even when you can’t see it. 

Kirsty lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her now-at-university teenage daughter where they both continue to learn and thrive through change, usually with a giggle and often with cake.

Download Kirsty Maynor’s media sheet here and click below to get in touch.